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A simple and effective detox method

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How it works

The Ionic Detox Foot Spa is a great way to help lower systemic toxicity in the body by delivering ions or electrically-charged particles to the bloodstream.

Through ionisation, the unit emits negatively charged ions into the footbath water and the body absorbs them through the feet. These ions then bind to positively charged toxins, helping the body get rid of the toxins more easily, not just through the feet but through other channels of elimination such as the liver, colon, lymphatic system, and skin. This process can significantly reduce the body's overall toxic load, including heavy metals, and has a detoxing effect for 48hrs after a session.

To see real and measurable results, 2 sessions weekly from 1 to 6 months is recommended


Added healing benefits from Rife and Schuman frequencies 

Schumann resonances are natural low frequency electromagnetic waves that encompass the planet. Many studies link this frequency of 7.83hz to improved health and well being. It's been dubbed as the earth's heartbeat. It's a wonderful counterbalance to the much higher potentially harmful frequencies that we're constantly exposed to from modern technology such as wifi and phones. 

​Rife frequencies are specific electromagnetic frequencies that are targeted to help correct physiological imbalances and promote health. They operate on the principle that every cell, including cancer cells or harmful microorganisms, resonate at a particular electromagnetic frequency. One can promote healing or potentially even destroy harmful cells by targeting these cells with their resonant frequencies.   Since the days of Rife's studies many more healing frequencies have been discovered. The Biopulse machine has over 88 different Rife frequencies. 


Scientist on Computer

Some science 

During an Ionic/Rife Detox Foot Spa treatment an array placed in the water has a 24V electrical current being passed through it. The Biopulse unit emits a higher voltage, compared to other similar devices. This is sufficient to break the covalent bonds of the water molecule (H2O) into its respective atoms of H2 (g) + O(g).  Because water is a very poor conductor of electricity, an electrolyte must be added to the water bath in the form of a salt, most commonly sea salt (NaCl). 


This electrolysis reduction reaction is represented by the chemical equation 2H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4H+(g) + 4e-, where H2O (water) is broken into the gases hydrogen (H+) attracted to the cathode of our water array and O (oxygen) attracted to the anode of our water array. Because we added sea salt to the water, the chlorine (Cl) atom competes with the hydrogen (H+) atom at the cathode releasing chlorine gas and 4 electrons into the water bath.  These four electrons now act as antioxidants and are absorbed through the large pores in our feet or hands which then travel through the blood to the energy factories (mitochondria) of each cell in our bodies.


As our blood circulates through our feet or hands they are absorbing these negative electrons and Rife frequencies for use in bodily functions at the cellular level. The oxygen molecule is stable with two positive charges (O++). 


When excess free radicals (oxygen with three positive charges O+++) are formed by over exposure to toxins in our environment, such as UV light from the sun,  EMF radiation or improper diet, antioxidants are used by our bodies to reduce these excess free radicals from (O+++) to the stable form (O++) which can then be utilised in our biological processes. These added electrons also stimulate our unhealthy cells to function with more energy therefore improving the cell function of toxin elimination.  


The detoxification process is underway, with more rapid toxin elimination by organs such as our liver and kidneys. Toxic waste is also eliminated from our bodies via our bowels and urinary tract, and through our skin by perspiration. This process will be most effective for the first 48 hours after treatment as the cells absorb and react to the added electrons and Rife frequencies to which they have been exposed.



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